“Where Are You” - Emotional Intelligence Poster
Whether you use it to help a child identify their own feelings, or to work on developing their emotional intelligence by seeing and understanding feelings in other people, “Where Are You” develops the language of feelings through an attractive, playful 18x24 inch emotional intelligence poster.
How To Use “Where Are You”:
- Identify and Share Personal Feelings: Ask questions like “Who are you on this tree? Why do you feel this way?” to use the tree as a relatable selection of feelings and mindsets. Also consider how to climb the tree -- “Who here would you rather be? How can you get there?”
- Enhance Emotional Intelligence with the Language of Feelings: Ask the child to look at the “Where Are You” emotional intelligence poster and ask them to find who is feeling a certain way - “Which child might be worried right now?” and why. Work with the poster to find characters who might be feeling similarly or oppositely from each other, and teach children to tell stories using emotions, and find the emotions conveyed by a peer or a character introduced to them.
- Reflect on Character Qualities: Develop a deeper character behind one of the children on the poster. Because they are feeling this way now, how might they act in another situation? Why do they feel the emotion they do in the situation they’re in? Which of the people on this poster do you think you are now, and which might you want to be someday?

“Where Are You?” Large (18x24) Poster
Price: $15.95
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“Where Are You?” Small (8.5x11) Poster
Price: $4.95 each
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“Where Are You?” Small (10 Pack) Poster
(Laminated) Price: $35.00 each
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Feelings Unlimited
P.O. Box 213
Eagle Creek, Oregon 97022